Yep, after a 20-month hiatus, I’m back to blogging. The reason is simple: there’s a new novel in the works. In fact, it’s pretty much done. W.W. Norton will publish it on July 2nd, 2012.
As you can see from the attached cover, the title is Say Nice Things About Detroit. It tells the story of a man who starts his life over by moving back to (where else?) Detroit. You can get a full description on Norton’s Website or on Amazon.
(My own website is undergoing an update; you’ll be able to get information there soon.)
As they say on late night TV: But wait, there’s more!! Steve Carell has optioned the novel. My screenwriting partner Derek Green and I were then hired to write the adaptation, which we recently turned in. Which is to say that I, like you, am hoping for a big 2012.
For those of you in the Aspen area—or those who would like to be—Derek Green and I will be team teaching a beginning fiction workshop at the Aspen Writers’ Foundation’s Summer Words Festival, June 17-22. Other teachers include Colum McCann, Mona Simpson, Nic Pizzolatto, Luis Urrea, Benjamin Percy, William Loizeaux, and Erin Belieu. There’s also a literary festival featuring the literature of Latin America and the Caribbean. If you’re looking for a literary festival, you can’t do better than this one.
Till next time, Happy Holidays.